7 Questions to Ask a Personal Trainer Before Hiring

questions to ask a personal trainer

Can you believe that most people go to the gym and try to achieve results completely on their own?

Did you know that working with a trainer can get people the results they are looking for in just a fraction of the time?

That means you can stop wasting hours on the treadmill. 

Knowing the right questions to ask a personal trainer will help you find the perfect trainer for you. 

Are you ready for your dream body? 

Ask these questions and you will have it in no time!

1. What Are Your Athletic Certifications?

Many personal trainers pride themselves on having a passion for helping people get in shape, but having passion is not always supported by education. 

For your trainer to get you in good shape, without causing you costly and painful injury, they need to have the proper education.

Strength and Conditioning specialists learn how to advance the body, without harming it, through safe and effective programming. Make sure the person writing your exercise program has a Kinesiology or Exercise Science education, this will keep you safe and help you reach your goals much faster.

While inquiring about your trainer, you can also ask if they are new to the field, or if they have more experience. Years as a trainer may not be indicative of their knowledge, because everybody has different goals, but hands-on training teaches coaches what methods are and are not effective.

2. What Type of Training Do You Specialize In?

Not all trainers specialize in the same type of exercise or helping people achieve the same goal.

Some trainers work with high-level athletes to advance their performance in different sports, this could be a specific sport, or even marathon runners. Other trainers work in gyms with people looking to lose weight or gain muscle.

The methods trainers use are important when selecting your trainer. If a trainer is using High-Intensity Interval Training (HITT) with all their clients, they are likely helping cardiovascular endurance and weight loss. A trainer more geared towards heavy weight lifting may be better to work with a bodybuilder or powerlifter.

Trainers and clients may prefer multiple methods or singular methods of training. These could include body-weight exercises, using lighter weights like bands and dumbbells, or heavy weight lifting.

Targeted techniques like yoga, Pilates, cycling, kickboxing, or Zumba also have trainers that can lead one on one or small group sessions for improvement. 

3. How Will We Work Towards My Goal?

Every single person has specific and individualized goals, not one size fits all. If you are paying an influencer-type trainer to make you a program, it is likely not personalized and going to be the same program as the other people that the trainer works with. 

Have a consultation with your trainer to talk about your specific goals, this will guide them in writing the perfect program for you. 

Some people want to achieve weight loss, and others want to gain new athletic skills. Other people may be trying to gain strength back after physical therapy from an injury. 

Speaking to your trainer about specific needs will guide them as they write you an individualized plan.

Also using advanced technology, with heart rate monitors can ensure you are staying in the proper fitness zone to see results.

If you feel satisfied with the outcome of training, set new goals. Trainers should create a new program to cater to your changing needs.

4. What do I get from hiring you?

Every trainer has different items included in their pricing, before you pay them, make sure you get what you want out of personal training. 

Inquire about how many sessions you get per week, how long are the sessions, and what type of training and exercises are in the program. Ask if the sessions are done in private or at a busy gym.

Some trainers assist people as they move from moderate exercise levels to more advanced levels of fitness.

Trainers are not certified to give nutritional advice, but they may work with a nutritionist, or have nutritional training. Though they are not required to, they may offer you advice on good supplements. Some can even offer accountability for clients who struggle with eating unhealthy foods. 

5.  How Do We Work Together?

Trainers must be aware of how their clients will respond to their volume, correction, and training methods.

For example, some trainers are loud and yell out the number of reps left to complete while also commenting on a client’s form. This could be in a public setting that could bring extra attention to a client.

Some people find this type of encouragement to motivate them, others find it off-putting and embarrassing.

Other trainers are more likely to observe a client and gently assist them with corrections they need to make. This type of training is calmer and clients are less likely to get attention from other gym members.

This gentle technique would be great for those who are shyer, but others may find it to be too quiet. 

Training style matters as coaches need to encourage, teach, and correct their clients during each session.

When looking for the perfect trainer, look for someone that offers a free session. You may mention the type of encouragement you are looking for, or observe the trainers’ natural methods to see if they coach in line with your desires.

6. How Long Will We Work Together?

A client looking for an extreme change will work with their trainer for longer. Some clients who are training for a competition may only work with their trainer till an event.

A good trainer wants to help clients achieve goals on time. This means they were successful and this can lead to referrals and extra clients.

Clients that are proud of their fitness success, will refer friends and family to their trainer. If a client is unhappy with their results, they are more likely to cancel their sessions than adjust their plan.

Let your trainer know exactly what you expect. Be honest about the time frame you foresee. They can work with you or help you adjust your time. If you are happy with your trainer let them know you want to continue working with them, with adjusted goals, or attend group classes they may offer. 

7. Can You Share Testimonials?  

Results of past clients will be the ultimate guide in letting you hire a personal trainer. 

Talk to clients and ask them how the trainer was able to help them. Everyone wants a quick fix, but avoid asking the length of time it takes for results. That varies depending on each client.

Ask how the trainer was able to specialize a program for their client. Ask if they are still working with the trainer. 

Questions To Ask A Personal Trainer

If you want to see results quickly with your physical health, find the right trainer who can challenge you and listen to you!

Use these questions to ask a personal trainer in order to ensure you are working with a trainer who cares about your success.  

Call us today to schedule your personal training consultation with our advanced trainers and technology.

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